Mobleys in the Civil War


The 3 brothers, Seth P Mobley, John Chester Mobley, and George Gale Mobley all served during the Civil War with the Iowa 7th Cavalry.   To see Civil War era material on these brothers, click on their name below, which is a link to their information.

The material below from

Mobley, George G. Age 18. Residence Eddyville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted January 15, 1863. Mustered February 9, 1863. Transferred to Company B, Seventh Cavalry Reorganized,
** Note - on Jan 15,1863, George Gale just turned 16

Mobley, John C. Age 19. Residence Eddyville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted November 6, 1862. Mustered January 7, 1863. Transferred to Company B, Seventh Cavalry Reorganized.
** Note - on his enlistment date, he was 16 years old

Mobley, Seth. Age 18. Residence Eddyville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted October 27, 1862. Mustered December 9, 1862. Transferred to Company B, Seventh Cavalry Reorganized.
** Note - Seth was the only one who actually was the age he claimed to be

Additional information on the Civil War

Click here to read about Food, Arms, and Saddles of the Union Army

Click here to read a brief History of the 7th Iowa Cavalry